Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easy Care Easter Lily

Nothing Says Spring Like an Easter Lily!

At Bank of Memories & Flowers, we carry beautiful decorated Easter Lily plants that are given along with Easter gifts. At home, give your lily plenty of bright, indirect lighting but keep it away from drafts or anything that might dry it out like appliances or heating ducts. Water when soil is dry, being careful not to over water. When the lily is finished blooming indoors, plant the bulb outdoors as soon as the ground isn't frozen anymore. Choose a sunny, well drained location to plant the bulb about 6 inches or so below the surface. Mulch every fall to promote re-growth in spring!

The lily's trumpet-shaped blossoms symbolize purity, hope and life. The Easter Lily serves as a reminder that Easter is a time of rejoicing and celebration. When you give your Easter baskets to your family, don't forget to include an Easter Lily. Mention this blog and receive $5.00 off your Easter Lily purchase.

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